My Adopted Guardians
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Welcome To My Guardians' Lair !
As you walk through a doorway that looks fairly old, old enough to be from the time of King Aurthur or even The Mighty Stonehenge, you enter a dimmly lit room. In the center of the room, you see a large bronze dragon with glowing eyes accopanied by a young woman with a fox tail. The fox girl nods to you with a smile, "Welcome traveler to The Guardians' Lair. I am Guardian Aria Moongazer and this handsome bronze is Guardian Hallynthe. We are the protectors of Foneix's work. Feel free to look around but beware. If you try to take anything wrongfully, you'll have us to deal with."

  Halleynthe the bronze Dragon
I got this bronze at this awesome adoption website, Braveheart Dragons Adoptions. I put a link on my links page if you would like to visit or adopt a dragon of your own. I adopted this great bronze in honor of my one real growing bronze, who is by my side always, Halley. YAY draggies!!!

Guardian Halleynthe growls in a low tone, just enough for a fair warning to anyone who would steal some art. "If you be wanting some art to steal, you'd have to get by me first and believe me, you won't get by." If you be the kind of person who just admires the works posted here, Guardian Halleynthe gives a curtious nod and you could swear you could see a shadow of a smile and a faint whisper of a chuckle.
  This is a DragonRose Guardian doll that looks oddly like me....

This is a DragonRose Guardian doll, not to be confused with the Rose Guardians that some of us belong to to help the world be a better place... Anyway, I figured Guardian Halleynthe could need some company so what better company for a guardian but another guardian. Right? YAY! Now we can all party!!!!! YAY!!!!
oh! And the link to this adoption site is on my links page also.

Guardian Aria Moongazer smiles warmly as you pass by her, watching you with caring but sharp eyes. Her and the dragon's warning echo in your head as you move on in search of more cartoony and random works by Foneix and her friends.
  Since I like Native American stuff...
I found this neat Native American shield Mandela while seaching for designs on one of the search engines a while ago. I think it gives this page a nice touch, don't you? 


All Nothing Normal Characters are copyrighted. Katie Bowman, 2003